Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We Won! .. Just a Little (but not really)

Turns out there were also 2 more three-digit numbers released this month that can be found anywhere on any of the receipts that will yield you $200 NT each! I found these three digit numbers on 10 different receipts!  Equals $2,000 NT, around $65 US!!! That's the most I've ever won in the lottery before, so exciting.  Since it's all of our receipts jumbled together, we're gonna cash in our winnings tomorrow and buy some things to decorate our apartment for Christmas! 


Alright so side note. Turns out I'm stupid and we didn't actually win :( Veerrrry disappointing I know.  I went to the post office which is where you are to redeem your winnings.  And on the back of each receipt you need to fill in your information, well the space for your address is sooo small I couldn't fit our address so I figured I'd just let them write it in Chinese because the characters are smaller.  They sent me to this lady to have her help me with it, after she had written like 2, she turned it over and began inspecting the numbers.  
      She had all the winning numbers on a list next to her, and started shaking her head and waving her hands around pointing at it.  She spoke zero English and I tried to point to the numbers we had matched and then to the receipt she was holding, but she kept flailing about.  Then she picked up a pen and underlined the last 3 digits.  Ohhh I got it, only the last 3 I asked her?  More waving and pointing from her.  Welll that's that I thought, and went to grab for the rest of our receipts that were now useless pieces of trash (recycled trash though, right?)  This lady wasn't having any of that though, she went looking through the rest of them, laughing and throwing down each one as she deemed it an un-winner.  I know, I know I tried to tell her.  But now we had created a bit of a show and others were all staring and she was rambling in Chinese, probably about how I was such a stupid foreigner.  Once she was finished I took the papers and ran away. Uh, humiliation! 
      Oh yea, did I mention that while I was sitting there, before the woman discovered my error, someone came over and bumped into to me to say hello?  Yea, that was the manager from my school.  Good thing she got to see and hear all of it! What are the chances of her being there at the same time! And since this was before I knew that we didn't actually win, when she asked what I was doing there I proudly told her about how we had won some money at the lottery! Oh siigghhhh.  Well the web site for sure doesn't say anything about the bonus 3 digits having to be at the end of the receipts, at least not in English!  Foiled again, by Chinese.  

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