Thursday, November 17, 2011

A bit about this

    So Saturday came around, I went to get my glasses. I can seeee out of them!! Happy hip hop day. I was pretty excited.  Here I am!  And 3/4 of Anthony's face.  I now feel like I fit in and have the look of a cool Asian Hipster, only they all have frames with no lenses, and I can see their envious faces (un-blurred) through mine!  Haha.

This is the store where I purchased my glasses.  I had no idea it was called "Always Best Choice," but I suppose I can somewhat agree with their statement. 

     Moving on, Greta decided we should finally buy a Dragon Fruit and see what they're all about.  It was marvelously delicious, reminded me of  a mix between a kiwi and a mango.  It was white with black little seeds.  Then the next day she got some more.  This time, cutting into it was quite different. 

Bright and beautiful and juicy.  This one lacked a bit of the kiwi flavor, but was equally as wonderful.  Go try it!

     We also made deviled eggs this past weekend! Soooo delish.  We added pickles, onions, and BACON BITS to the mix.  Oh man. Needless to say they are now gone, and I miss them.

  I guess there's some more food I could mention.  One night after work I went to a night market with one of my Chinese teachers (Helen, from the Tea Story), her friend, and Greta.  After a few hours of shopping, Helen said we should get a sweet treat.  Eeerrg I can't remember what it's called now. But we met another one of her friend's at the place and he explained that it translates loosely into "flower soup" I believe.  This is because the base is a white substance, like tofu, but sweeter, it comes from a soy bean though, and now I've lost where flower came from, perhaps a soy bean flower?  Anyways something like that. I'll try to get the name again later. So before we ordered, Greta and I decided to share one, since we had no idea what we would be getting.  It was kind of like an ice cream counter where you got the main bowl of something, and then could pick all of your toppings.  Only instead of chocolate chips and strawberries, were red beans and jellied things.  With the help of Helen's and the lady serving us's recommendations and some random pointing, we had our treat.  Oh we could also choose if we wanted it cold, which is what we got where they added crushed ice to the mix and a cold sugar water, or hot which is minus ice and hot sugar water instead.  It was definitely interesting, unlike anything I'd had before.  I was glad to be sharing it with Greta, and we managed to eat most of it.  Some of the topping weren't bad, I haven't a clue as to what I was really eating though, but all in all not a bad treat.  Probably not something I'd go out of my way to order again though, but wouldn't refuse it.

      Also, here's Anthony at our branch in Jhongli enjoying a lunch box for lunch one day! That's what pretty much all food is called here "a lunch box" even if it's not for lunch.  It means a box with random food shoved together in it and served as a meal.  We like to go to a place called "Taiwan Buffet" near the branch that is like buffet style so you can pick what you want to get.  It's pretty good, and real cheap.

He has some milk tea there beside him too. All the different types of tea and fruit drink stands littering the blocks has got to be one of my favorite things about Taiwan! Not being able to speak Chinese and getting weird jelly drinks... is not.

     Yea, I didn't drink all that.  In fact, I barely drank any of it.  The little circles are tapioca bubbles which I quite enjoy, but the rest just kinda freaks me out.

Oh and here's a picture of the fruit market near out home that we frequent!

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