Monday, November 28, 2011

The Lottery

The 25th of every odd numbered month brings much happiness.  This is the time that the lottery numbers are released!

Don't be alarmed, I don't have a gambling problem.  It's an interesting little system they have here in Taiwan.  I'm not sure how long it's been going on, but years ago the government had trouble getting shops and stores to keep track of their sales, for tax purposes and what not.  So they implemented the lottery of the receipts.  Now, every receipt you receive has a lottery number printed at the top of it.  This includes receipts from all convenience stores, most clothing stores, restaurants, pretty much everywhere!  There are a few places that don't give you receipts, but they are usually small little shops, I don't mind.  The government thought this was a smart idea because since the receipt is essentially a lottery ticket, then the customers would demand them, therefore forcing all businesses to keep track of their sales and records! Pretty smart, huh?

All of our tickets sorted by the first number!

Between Greta, Anthony, and I, we accumulate quite a pile of "tickets."  The way it works is they release the winning numbers every other month (odd numbered months) for the previous 2 months.  So a few days ago, November 25th, they just put out the numbers for receipts collected during the months of September and October.  New numbers will be released January 25th for receipts given during November and December, and so on and so forth.

I get really excited and when it's time to check our number and I even pre-sort them so it's easier to manage.
The prizes are as follows:
The Special Prize of  $10 million NT    (just under $330,000 US)
The Grand Prize of $2 million NT        (around $65,000 US)
   One 8 digit number is given for each of these prizes
Then there are three different 8 digit numbers to get you the First Prize of $200,000 NT   (about $6,500 US)

From there are the 2nd - 6th place prizes which come from matching any of the last 7-3 digits of the three First Prize numbers.  These winnings range from $40,000- $200 NT  ( around $1,300- $6 US)

Sadly, this month we didn't win anything :(  But there's always January to look forward to!!

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