Thursday, November 10, 2011

Such a Spectacle!

       Before I even got to Taiwan people told me about how cheap the glasses would be over here.  They said the "eye technology" is really advanced, they can make the glasses really quickly, and it's inexpensive. I find it pretty strange how many glasses shops there are here. Just everywhere. Sometimes 3 in one block and all they sell is glasses and sunglasses! So I decided to go give some of these places a gander as I'm in the mood for some new frames.  I looked near my school branch in Jhongli around the train station, I went to about 5 one day, and found that all the frames were still actually pretty expensive, around 200 US dollars... that's not cheap to me for glasses, and for only the frames! I kept looking and finally came across a place that is still really close to work, but much lower prices.  I stopped in one afternoon and found the pair I wanted, but I didn't have time for them to check my eyes, the man there spoke decent English and I said I'd come back later.
     The next morning when I arrived it was only a woman working... and she didn't speak any English, but still insisted on trying to help me, which is always appreciated.  She kept motioning around and speaking Chinese as I stared at her blankly. We went back to the room where she measured my eyes or something with a machine and then printed out the results.  She put some lenses together into a mock pair of frames and gave them to me.  I couldn't see clearly so I shook my head "no." She tried another set, no, another set, no, another set, no. This went on for a short while and I was beginning to think of just leaving.  
    Well she went to get her phone and called some guy who then become our translater over the phone.  His English was ok, but it was hard to hear him.  I told him that the left side was good, but the right was blurry.  She tried something else, still a no. He asked me how I felt and I said I couldn't see out of my right eye, this is where I'm pretty sure they began to think I was blind in my right eye.  He acted very surprised and said something about if I could feel my right eye. I tried to explain that I could see out of it, just not at the moment with the lenses she had used.  I mentioned the word "astigmatism" but that probably sounded like nothing to him as he didn't seem to acknowledge it. They were speaking in Chinese again together and he said something to me about going to see a doctor.  Ok they think I'm blind in an eye trying to get glasses.. after the lady watched me take out my TWO contacts before measuring my eyes. Esssh. 
    It wasn't looking good, but then BAM! the lenses she tried next were it! I could see.  I turned to look out of the store and I seemed to be able to read the signs at the 7-11.  I gave a thumbs up and said yes, yes I can see now!  Ahh they had cured my ailment! What success they must have thought.  
    So we went back out into the main part of the store and she hung up with the man. Nooooo I thought! I need English!  Then these other two people walked in and the woman was speaking with them.  I thought, oh maybe she is just going to use them to translate for me.  Well she tried to explain to me (I'm guessing) something about the price for my blind girl glasses would be higher than usual, and the next thing I know the man who just walked in hands her his phone, she speaks for a second, and then I'm talking to another lady in English on some rando's phone.  She told me that because my glasses were "special" the price would be a bit more, and it would take 3 days until I could get them.  I told her it was fine. 3 days is still way faster than I can usually get them in the states, and everything came up to be right around 100 US dollars! (3,200 Taiwan Dollars). I was pleased. 
     Today is Thursday night so one more day and I shall go retrieve my new spectacles! I only hope I can see out of them... 

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