Wednesday, August 8, 2012

At the Dentist!

      Have I said before how outlandishly cheap health care is in Taiwan?  Well, health care is outlandishly cheap in Taiwan.  All forms of it.  Today I went to the dentist.  I figured I'd get my yearly check up done before going back to the States where it'll cost over a hundred dollars.  Instead, I paid $5 dollars.  FIVE. DOLLARS. to go to the dentist!!!
     Another teacher recommended a dentist, Dr. Green's, located just a few blocks from where we live, and Greta went there a few months ago.  I had been badgering Anthony about going to get his teeth checked, but he has super sensitive gums so he despises visiting the dentist.  Finally, we both went to make appointments.  Anthony had his last Tuesday, and he was in and out in like 10 minutes.  Not too painful.  Mine was supposed to be last Tuesday as well, but since my mom was here I decided to change it to this week.  It was set for Wednesday morning at 930 am.  Well, the night before we went to Trivia night, and when my alarm went off at 830 am on Wednesday I must have turned it off because the next time I woke up it was 10.  They had my number, but didn't call to see if I was coming.  
      SO, I decided that instead of going in later that day to reschedule and feel bad about being a lazy bitch and missing my appointment and not calling to tell them I overslept, I had an idea.  I went in at 930am Thursday morning, "I'm here for my appointment!"  The receptionist looked through the computer for my name, said something to the other lady in Chinese and continued clicking.  Pretty sure she found my name from the day before, but didn't mention anything about having missed my actual appointment.  She just asked for my health card and gave me a form to fill out, with a smile!  
      I waited about 2 minutes, in a full waiting room, and someone was there to get me for x-rays.  I think they were shocked by my nose ring, and didn't really know how to ask me to take it out before snapping x-rays.  She looked quite interested when I removed it.  My x-rays were done, and I went straight to a larger room with just a bunch of the dental chairs and equipment around them.  I sat down, they put up my pictures, and the dentist was there to see me.  Her English seemed very fluent, and she was super friendly.  
      From there it was a pretty typical trip to the dentist.  She said my teeth looked great, shoved a mirror around in my mouth, the usual.  The big difference is that they don't really do the whole cleaning series as in they don't do fluoride or polish, just use the electric tool to scrap around the teeth and gum area.  They also covered my entire face with this towel except for a little hole over my mouth, there was water splashing around all over the place!   
    I was out by 945 am!  With no appointment, really, and I still spent about zero time waiting around to be seen by the dentist!  Holla. 

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