Tuesday, May 29, 2012

90 Days and it's byebye Taiwan :( and :)

Plans to return to the US have officially been set.  By officially, I mean we've purchased our plane tickets!!

They are as follows:

Well, first, I should say that my mom will be here to visit at the end of July!! I'm quite excited that she's coming, and although it's at the end of a year of being away, it's still super wonderful!  She'll be here until August 7th, which is when she and Greta shall depart.

Originally we wanted to travel around Asia some more, since you know, we're in Asia.  But getting Visa's to enter the countries and flights are really quite expensive.  And in Europe, you don't need a Visa (if you're American), so it made more sense to travel there.

Anthony and I will be teaching until August 15th.  Then we're in the process of trying to plan a scootering trip around the island with a friend or a few.  It frightens me a bit, as August is heavy typhoon season, and we want to see the East coast.  This means being right on the water, up in the mountainous regions of Taiwan.  Mudslides... no thank you.  But we'll figure it out, and probably just put on our big boy pants and go.

That puts us in Taiwan until August 27th.  Next the two of us are headed to Ireland for 6 days.  Still unsure if we'll book an extended tour, or just explore the country by ourselves.  But we're going.  Mhhhhh  fresh brewed Guinness!  Give me advice if you have it.

Then, we shall continue on to Germany where we'll stay with my grandparents for 10 days.  I'm really happy that they'll get a chance to meet Anthony, and to see them again of course.  I can't wait for my grandma's cooking... and ALL THE CHEESE!  Whilst we're in Germany we'd like to take probably a 2 day trip to Amsterdam or another interesting surrounding city.  So many places to go!

That means we will arrive into the United States of America on  WEDNESDAY  SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 at 6:30 PM!! (Happy Birthday to Bre!)  We're flying in to Minneapolis, and will most likely be spending the weekend in St. Cloud kicking it with our friends who still reside there (Happy Birthday to Mara!)

Next we'll be in Verm for X amount of time, as Anthony and I are both on the look out for jobs, anywhere and everywhere, and hope to know what city we'll be living in and what we'll be doing before we come back... otherwise we'll just have to spend the rest of our lives living in his parent's basement.  So... find me a job, and one for him, too.

What else have I been up to this week?

 Well, I found Shasta Pop!! No Grape Shasta though, which is my fave.

I've been eating a lot of Hami Melon.  It's actually Honey Dew.

I've also turned into an old angry person as I grumbled about this student writing in bright obnoxious colored gel pens.  (Remember when we were banned from using them at school on homework? I should instate that policy here.)

Then Dawn and I played with this awesome huge dog we found at an antique store/ bar.

I tried to stand over him and showcase his height, but he wasn't having it.  I think he was upset about the dog on my shirt.

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