Thursday, April 5, 2012


       Yesterday we got a holiday from work!  April 4th is Children's Day in Taiwan, so everyone got the day off. It was quite nice to get a little break, and although it was in the middle of the week we wanted to take advantage and get out of Jhongli. 
       Before Wednesday was Tuesday, which happens to be Trivia night!  Since usually I always have to work so early during the week I've only gone once before to Trivia.  A bunch of us from work planned to go together Tuesday night.  Trivia consists of a lot of foreigners from Jhongli that get together at this restaurant called Johnson's I think, some old Taiwanese man owns it, and the regulars all take turns coming up with questions every week.  This week was Ben's turn, a guy that we work with and a regular at trivia night.  It costs $110 NT to enter, so that the winning team gets to split the pool!  Then everyone writes down their name on paper and the teams are made at random.  I was lucky and got put on a team with people that know a lot of random things.  I, however, did contribute like 4 answers!  And my team won!!! Each of us got $450 NT, about 15 US dollars, holla!  
    For the next day we had planned a trip to go see Yehliu, on one of the northern tips of the island.  Yehliu is a big Geopark that's famous for it's unique rock formations and gorgeous views.  Originally a few of our friends had been in for this day trip, but after having maybe too much fun Tuesday night, they decided to opt out, and since Anthony's had a bad cold all week, he didn't come either.  It was just Greta and I plus a friend from training who lives not too far from us, Stephanie.  After looking online I figured it would take about an hour and a half to get there.  We would take the train to Keelung, and then a bus from Keelung to Yehliu.  Welllll it turned out to be almost 2 hours just to get to Keelung, and then another 30 minute bus ride winding through the mountains where we had to stand the whole time.  Let me tell you I did not feel so well bumping along those roads.  I thought for a while I was going to throw up, don't worry though, I had a plan.  There was a little kid standing near me with a plastic bag full of some food, I was just going to snatch his sack, dump out the contents, and I wouldn't have to barf all over the bus!  
        Luckily, I made it off the bus, and didn't have to throw up anywhere.  It was a short little walk to the coast from the bus, and we were hit with an amazing view of the water and the air felt so fresh and clean.  It was an absolute fabulous day out as well.  Super sunny and warm with a great breeze!  Being in Yehliu made made me very sad that I live so close to the coast, yet so far away!  Why can't I see this kind of stuff in Jhongli!?  Since it's like a little cape/peninsula, there's a 3.5 km (like 5 mile?) walk that wraps around the whole part.  We walked along the whole thing, and then climbed up where you could overlook water on all three sides around you.  It was beautiful, and definitely worth the awful bus ride to get there.  
     Taiwan's "real" name is Formosa, or Ilha Formosa which means "beautiful island" in Portuguese as it was Portuguese sailors who discovered the island.  Going to Yehliu reminded me that hey, it really is a beautiful island that I live on, even if I can't always see it.  
       On our way back we chose to take a bus straight from Yehliu to Taipei, and then a train from Taipei to Jhongli which cut down on time as well as cut out the terrible standing bus back to Keelung.  Then we got home and made tacos!!! Well... taco meat and such over chips, tortilla shells don't exist here.  And then, that night when I checked my e-mail I got the most wonderful news that Ariel has booked her trip and will be coming to visit me!!!!!!!!!!!! She'll arrive on May 29th! I sure have a great next two months coming up!

These were weirdy bugs that were creepin' around everywhere.  I may have found one of their nests.  

A little cave! 

 The rocks remind me of honeycomb, it's so crazy how they become like that! Some people posed their dog and were taking pictures, I was smitten with their dog as well.  
 These rocks in water made me think of octopus! 


                 I was sooo happy here! 

 Walking up the tons of winding stairs.  It was extremely windy being right on the water.  
So lovely.  

 These rocks are a large part of what draws people here. I think this one looks like a dragon face! 

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