Thursday, March 15, 2012

Here's What's Been Up Lately

      Tuesday in one of my younger classes we were explaining to the kids about the egg hunt/ fun house we're having for Easter.  The kids were like "What's Easter?"  So my Chinese Teacher told them, "Well, it's all about Jesus." The kids then asked "Who's Jesus?"  One of the little girls tells them in Chinese "Oh, he's very famous."  Well yes, I think Jesus is pretty famous.  Good job, Loretta.  Now they think we've got a celebrity coming to the egg hunt, we're hoping for a big turn out!
     I've been missing baked beans lately, pretty hard core.  I can find re-fried beans here, and although they're quite hella expensive, I can eat them when I need to.  Chili beans, black beans, gangs all here.  Where are the baked beans!?  And tortilla shells.  I need some tacos in my life.

    I was craving a blizzard, the ice cream, not the wintery storm.  Sadly there are no DQs around.  I saw one in China, but was an id and didn't get any ice cream.  Anthony got me a McFlurry instead,  I was pretty happy, but I miss Dairy Queen.

   Projectile vomit.  I had my first experience with it yesterday.  Luckily, it didn't get on me.  Deacon was eating uncharacteristically slow during snack time, and when it was closing in on 10 am and he still wasn't finished with his oatmmeal, I said "Deacon, why are you so slow today?"  He looked up at me with wide eyes, his spoon in hand, and some oatmeal dripping on his face.  My HRT, Kylie, (the Chinese teacher who teaches the 2nd half of kindy, in Chinese) said "Yea, he's a little sick today."  Hm.. ok. So I started class without him.  Not 2 minutes later, I look to see Kylie pulling Deacon up and rushing to open the bathroom door.  Not... fast.... enough.  Boom. Oatmeal vommed all down the door and on the floor.  Poor Deacon, he really was sick!  If only he had made it INTO the bathroom.  So Kylie mops up the mess... but... not the door?  It was just sliding down the door the rest of the class, and it smelled.  When I had to take the kids to the bathroom I just shoved them in and tried to avoid the area.  Oh, and Deacon continued with the rest of class, and had some dried puke on his shirt.  Why they didn't change his clothes or send him home, I can't tell you.  I mean they have spare clothes for when they pee themselves of puke, maybe this wasn't extreme enough.  I didn't ask questions, just avoided any contact with him.

Sorry.. no pictures this time!

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