Monday, October 17, 2011

Korean BBQ

            We recently went to a Korean BBQ restaurant, after trying to eat here a few times over the past month, we arrived early enough to get in right away without a 2 hour wait.  Once we were seated and things were under way, I realized why they must have such long waits sometimes!

                                                              Here it is!
            The first time we tried to go was when my step-mom was visiting, she’s from Taiwan and without her pointing out the place, we never would have had any idea as to what it was.  Not being able to read Chinese characters is a drag.  Our waitress even asked us how we found out about the restaurant. Luckily there was one lady working there who spoke English, and rather well too.  It turns out she had just returned from a summer of living and working at Yellowstone!  She’s the first person I’ve met who when I say I’m from South Dakota, actually knows where it is! Without her help, eating here would have been a bit more challenging, but probably still do-able.  When she came over to our table she told us how they all rushed to get her right away because they were afraid of trying to help the foreigners. 
            They did have an English menu, but having never eaten at this style of restaurant before, we weren’t sure on what to do.  So the Korean BBQ is like you order your meat uncooked, beef, pork, lamb, seafood.  In the center of our table is a little grill with coals that clocked out around 500 degrees, Celsius- the guy who turned it on showed us! That’s just insanely hot.  Our waitress totally recommended the beef, so Anthony and I got a plate of beef, and Greta got some lamb with chicken.  Both plates came with corn on the cob, pumpkin pieces, onions, and lettuce to cook with the meat.  And that’s just the “main” ish course.  It all started out with a salad, soup, rice, and slushie drinks.  Yea, the slushies seemed kinda out of place, but they were sooo good, available in lemon or cranberry!  All of the soups and salads came in a variety of about 4 to choose from.  We tried to get an assortment so we could try a lot of things.

                                                                            I got a tomato "salad" sooo yummy!
Getting hot!

            The waitress showed us how to cook the meat, and explained that it only takes about 10 seconds for one piece to fully cook, and it was true. It was super fast!  The food was so delicious, we ate a lot. Once our meals were done, we then moved to another seating area, kind of like a lounge area, where we were served a dessert and another drink selection of libations such as espresso or milk tea.  Overall a really awesome place.  Of course it was a bit more expensive than somewhere I’d eat every day, but really nice for every now and then.  And now we even know how to order for next time!  


         Anthony's dessert had 
      a little message, too bad we 
    haven't a clue what it says! 

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